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While blockchain may have moved beyond the proof-of-concept phase this year and into limited production systems, that doesn't mean companies watching from the sidelines should plow ahead with their own deployments.
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Write comment (97 Comments)Security researcher UpGuard Cyber Risk disclosed Friday that sensitive documents from more than 100 manufacturing companies, including GM, Fiat Chrysler, Ford, Tesla, Toyota,ThyssenKrupp, and VW were exposed on a publicly accessible server belonging toLevel One Robotics.
The exposure via Level One Robotics, which provides industrial automation services, came through rsync, a common file transfer protocol thatused to backup large data sets, according to UpGuard Cyber Risk. The data breach was first reported by the New York Times.
According to the security researchers, restrictions weren&t placed on the rsync server. This means that any rsync client that connected to the rsync port had access to download this data.UpGuard Cyber Risk published its account of how it discovered the data breach to show how a company within a supply chain can affect large companies with seemingly tight security protocols.
This means if someone knew where to look they could access trade secrets closely protected by automakers. Itunclear if any nefarious actors actually got their hands on the data. At least one source at an affected automaker told TechCrunch it doesn&t not appear that sensitive or proprietary data was exposed.
UpGuardbig takeaway in all of this: rsync instances should be restricted by IP address. The researchers also suggest that user access to rsync be set up so that clients have to authenticate before receiving the dataset. Without these measures, rsync is publicly accessible, the researchers said.
The breach exposed 157 gigabytes of data—a treasure trove of 10 years ofassembly line schematics, factory floor plans and layouts, robotic configurations and documentation, ID badge request forms, VPN access request forms. The breach even included sensitive non-disclose agreements, including one from Tesla.
Personal details of some Level One employees, including scans of driverlicenses and passports, and Level One business data, including invoices, contracts, and bank account details.
The security team discovered the breach July 1. The company successfully reached Level One by July 9 and the exposure was closed by the following day.
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Read more: Data breach exposes trade secrets of carmakers GM, Ford, Tesla, Toyota
Write comment (91 Comments)Stardew Valley, the popular indie farming simulator (itmore fun than &farming simulator& makes it sound, I promise) is quite possibly the chillest game of all time. But, without any multiplayer aspect, it can get … a bit lonely. From farming, to fishing, to exploring mines, italways felt like a game that would be better with friends.
We&ll soon find out if thattrue. After about year of work has been put into the feature, the game will get cooperative multiplayer starting on August 1st.
Therea slight catch: multiplayer will be limited to PC/Mac/Linux, at first. The trailer (below) says support will roll out to Nintendo Switch/PS4/Xbox One &soon,& but doesn&t get into specifics.
Multiplayer Stardew Valley will support up to four (4) players on the same farm, with all players sharing the same money and farmland. According to this page on the Stardew Valley fan wiki, groups will be able to tweak the game a bit to their tastes (specifically, they can scale things like profit margins and in-game item costs) to account for the added ease of having four players doing the work that was previously designed for one.
Stardew Valley is surprisingly in-depth for a game built primarily by just one person; while itpublished by a company, the vast majority of the work — from the pixel art, to the musical composition, to the programming — is done by Eric &ConcernedApe& Barone. By the beginning of this year, it was reported that the game had sold more than 3.5 million copies. GQ did a profile on Barone and how he built the game.
Barone clarified a few things on Twitter shortly after the trailer went live:
- If you&ve already found your way into the multiplayer beta, there won&t be any major changes in the public releases besides a &few last-minute bug fixes&
- While work on the console builds is underway, he doesn&t have any release dates in mind yet
- No split-screen or shared screen co-op — if you want multiplayer, you&ll need your own device to play on
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Read more: Indie gem Stardew Valley will get multiplayer on August 1st
Write comment (90 Comments)In emerging market countries where economic volatility is a way of life, there aren&t a lot of relatively safe options for members of the burgeoning middle class to park their money.
For instance, countries like Nigeria have experienced a tremendous growth in the number of citizens entering the middle class, which now accounts for about 23 percent of the population (itaround 50 percent in the U.S.), according to a recent article citing the African Development Bank.
While Nigeria now faces some significant headwinds from a weak domestic currency (the naira), high interest rates and a manufacturing recession, there are ways that local investment can both protect the wealth thatbeen created and encourage investment domestically to potentially spur development.
At least, thatthe conclusion that college friends Razaq Ahmed and Edward Popoola came to while they were thinking about opportunities for new financial services options in their home country of Nigeria.
The two men, Ahmed with a background in finance and Popoola in computer science, are launching a company called CowryWise that gives Nigerian investors a way to save their money by investing in high-yield government bonds. The rates on those products are high enough to absorb the wild swings in value of the naira and still provide a healthy return for investors, according to Ahmed.
Set to present at this yeardemo day from Y Combinator, CowryWise is one of a number of startups that Y Combinator has backed coming from the African continent, and an example of the wellspring of entrepreneurial talent that is flourishing in sub-Saharan Africa.
Using CowryWise, a customer would just have to sign up with their email address and phone number and link their bank account up to the CowryWise platform.
There are already roughly 57 million savings accounts in Nigeria and 32 million unique bank users. By investing in the bonds, these savers gain access to interest rates that range between 10 percent and 17 percent, according to Ahmed.
&The bonds… are similar to the treasuries issued by the U.S. government, which is A-rated,& says Ahmed. Even if there were foreign currency risk from investing in the naira, the inflation rate is currently around 11 percent, according to Ahmed. Given that most of the bonds are yielding interest rates on the higher end, itjust a better deal for consumers, he said.
&Theremore value in keeping the money in government treasury bills& than in the bank, says Ahmed.
For Ahmed and Popoola, the decision to launch CowryWise was a way to bring investment opportunities to a retail investor that hadn&t been able to access the best that the financial system in Nigeria had to offer.
To target these retail investors meant leveraging technology to scale quickly and cheaply across the country. The two men started developing their service in January and tested it in February and March with friends and family.
CowryWise isn&t without competitors. Another Nigerian company, Piggybank, recently raised $1.1 million for its own automated savings solution. Like CowryWise, Piggybank also taps into government bonds to offer better rates to its investors.
That company already has 53,000 registered users — who have saved in excess of $5 million since 2016, according to a release.
There are subtle differences between the two. Piggybanktouts its ability to save through bonds, but it is primarily working with banks to get Nigerians saving money. CowryWise is using Meristem Financial (Ahmedold employer) as the asset manager for its investments into the bond market.
Another difference is the time customers& funds are locked up. Piggybank has a three-month savings period required before investors can withdraw funds, while CowryWise will let its customers withdraw cash immediately, according to this teardown of the two services.
Ultimately, therea large enough market for multiple players, and a need for better financial services, according to Ahmed.
&We kept having interest from retail investors on why they want to do micro-savings and micro-investment, but they didn&t have the required capital,& Ahmed says. &That was the major reason for staring the company. Why not democratize the assets And make them available in investments and savings in this traditional instrument&
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Read more: CowryWise micro-savings service opens high-yield government bonds to everyday Nigerians
Write comment (98 Comments)Last weekend, Epic Games put forth its first true effort at official competitive Fortnite Battle Royale. It was a disaster.
The private hosts used for the tournament were about as laggy as could be, with pro players getting eliminated simply because they couldn&t move. This tournament was for a total prize of $250K. Thatbig money, and big frustration for pro players who were essentially eliminated by the whims of the server gods. But on top of the lag, the whole thing was, well, boring. A cardinal sin in any sport.
The fact is that when you put 100 pro players in a lobby together and tell them that the last man standing wins, most of them will simply sit in a fort and stay safe as long as possible. This does not generate a whole lot of action.
And when there is action on the map, there was no way for a spectator to know about it. There are, after all, a hundred people to watch out for, and jumping from one engagement to another is not only difficult but lacks a certain narrative quality, making the whole thing feel scattered.
It seems clear that a guided mode or hotspot indicator would go a long way to improving the viewing experience. Being told where the fighting was or could be happening or having a guide that flagged these opportunities could work. There could also be a documentary-style concept that followed a few top players on their entire run, with the hope that they&ll find action and maybe even be pushed into conflict to impress viewers.
Epic recently published a post-mortem on the event, outlining ways that the publisher can improve on the tournament. They&ve also set forth the rules for this weekendevent, proposing a score-based tournament where both eliminations and Victory Royales count toward players& overall score. Whether or not this will incentivize more action will be determined following the event.
Italso worth noting that Epic scheduled todayevent during the Fortnite Friday tournament. Fortnite Friday, hosted by popular YouTuber Keemstar and facilitated by UMG, was a $20,000 elimination-based tournament with top players. In this week of the Summer Skirmish Series, which is worth a total of $8 million, Epic is choosing to host a two-day tournament, effectively rendering Fortnite Friday playerless.
It doesn&t have to be this way, Epic. I know that the concept of 100 of the best players in the world dropping into one map sounds incredible. It does. It sounds great, in theory. But in practice, itjust a disorderly live stream of a bunch of highly talented players sitting around in bases, or, worse, lagging to the point of being frozen.
And, an invitational tournament (that goes terribly wrong) doesn&t scream &inclusive,& which is what Epic repeatedly says competitive Fortnite should be.
There is another way, and itthe same way that Fortnite players have been competing for months now. A kill race.
But letback up a bit.
What should competitive Fortnite be
Right now, Fortnite is played by 100 people in a single lobby, and &winning& the game is defined by being the last survivor(s). This can be played in solo mode, with 100 individuals facing off against the storm and each other, or in 50 teams of two (Duos), or 25 teams of four (Squads).
Video games often get tweaks for the competitive scene, whether itlimiting the resources/gear that players can use or reducing the number of maps that can be played. When skill level is that high, most games must make changes to allow for true competition.
Given itstill early days, Fortnite Battle Royale featuring purely pro players simply hasn&t worked.
But as it stands now, there are roughly two schools of thought.
Whoever gets the most eliminations wins.
- Super fun to watch
- Requires skill
- Inclusive to non-pro players
- A lot of RNG
- More time-consuming
Gamebattle sites like CMG and UMG have been running minor tournaments for quite a while now using this format. Fortnite Friday, arguably one of the biggest weekly tournaments, also follows this format.
Herehow it works: Individual players load up in a Duo match on the same team, or teams of two load up into a Squad match, also on the same team, and race for who can get the most kills in a public match.
This means that these opposing players can&t kill each other, but can keep track of each otherkills and placement on the map. When you&re racing for kills, understanding where the other duo is fighting and how many kills they have is important information.
Given only four players are competing at a time, that means the rest of the 92 people on the map are regular Fortnite players.
This is where RNG comes into play. RNG is a term used in gaming that means Random Number Generator. It is the gaming equivalent of Alanis Morissette&Ironic.& It essentially means there is some level of random luck involved in the game. For example, you might land in a place where there is usually a weapon or chest, but that weapon or chest isn&t there, leaving you vulnerable to other players who land around you.
Great players can work around or overcome a certain level of RNG, but if the opposing team comes up on a squad of noobs and your team rolls up on a squad of great players, the tide of the match will inevitably shift against you, and may even result in a loss.
This is the cost of the 2v2 format that has become popularized with the vast majority of Fortnite competitive players.
While it takes more time to have 100 players compete four at a time, this format allows the viewer to watch no more than four players as they traverse the map and seek eliminations. At most, the audience has to follow along with four separate stories on the map. In most cases, duos play together, which brings that number down to two. In either case, itmuch easier than following along with the stories of 50 separate teams.
Traditional Battle Royale
- Less RNG
- Amazing build fights
- Fair, in the sense that players are fighting players of equal skill level
- Itboring
- Not inclusive
- Confusing and scattered for viewers
This format was used during the Ninja Live tournament, the Fortnite ProAm tournament and, most recently, during the $8 million Summer Skirmish series, hosted by Epic Games.
Herehow it works: 100 pro players/streamers pair off into teams of two and all load into the same lobby, with the goal of lasting the longest.
As I said, Fortnite Battle Royale is built around the idea that there would be a sole survivor, but doesn&t predicate that survival on a certain level of skill. In other words, itrelatively easy to hide, avoid fights and survive to the near end of a game, or potentially even win. It doesn&t take much skill to squat in a bush or set traps in a house and sit in the bathroom.
Obviously, with pro players, there will be gunfights, and those gunfights should be pretty interesting. But they are few and far between, and are difficult to predict and capture for the live stream.
This also excludes regular players from being a part of the action. Yes, ita risk to construct a competitive scene on the backs of public gameplay. But italso never been done before in the pro gaming world. And it is the best way to include public players into the competitive scene. A regular player is far more likely to get interested in the competitive scene knowing that, on Friday or Saturday, they have the chance to play against the worldgreatest competitors.
The best way to build on the momentum of Fortnitepopularity, as well as support the community as a whole, is to build out tournaments focused on eliminations within public lobbies.
It makes sense for Epic to want to control that experience, and it certainly makes sense for Epic to want the competitive scene to fit within the game they built, which is a Battle Royale. But thus far, competitive Battle Royale featuring purely pro players simply hasn&t worked. And it feels slightly underhanded for Epic to barrel over Fortnite Friday, given that the more competitive tournaments around Fortnite, the better for the game.
The community is here, telling you what it wants, Epic. And in true Fortnite fashion, if you build it, they will come.
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Read more: What should competitive Fortnite look like
Write comment (90 Comments)We&ve seen more than one project use the immutability of blockchain to verify important physical things. So, for instance, a pioneer in the space, Verisart, has brought blockchain certification of high art to leading galleries worldwide, and other players are now entering this growing market. Codex Protocol is a new startup also putting art on the blockchain. The benefits are obvious: reducing to near-zero the possibility that an artwork could be fake. This is an incredibly powerful idea, especially at the high end of the commercial spectrum.
A relatively new idea is to take blockchain to the car market. Automakers are already starting to take an interest. BMW, Ford, Renault and General Motors recently joined a new working group of more than 30 auto companies to employ blockchain technology. The Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative aims to speed up the adoption of blockchain, with use cases ranging from autonomous payments to ridesharing. But thatnot where blockchain adoption for cars ends.
There remains the need for trustworthy assurances of authenticity and condition, especially when it comes to high-end cars. And thatdoubly true of classic and exotic vehicles. Collectible, classic cars can have their documentation forged or misassigned as thereno one, single, global document standardization for these kinds of cars.
Now a startup hopes to bring their newly launched platform for tokenization to this market.
Proxeus is a blockchain startup that has launched a user-friendly method to register classic car collections on the blockchain, making it both unforgeable and verifiable by anyone. The first client is Mercuria Helvetica in Switzerland.
Proxeusprocess verifies the certificates of authenticity and conditions of the vehicles. As an additional step, the car itself could actually be taken to the blockchain as a non-fungible token with an integrated certification library, offering not only proof of ownership and history but also to serve as a permanent link to the verified documentation.
Itnow launching the beta version of its engine, which has a drag and drop interface.
But do we really want to tokenize luxury cars Proxeus says thatnot the point. They say their technology means someone without specialized programming skills can have the ability to deploy blockchain for a wide variety of use cases.
Antoine Verdon, co-founder, says: &For the first time we are able to show that our technology is real.& Artan Veliju, CTO, says the platform has the &ability to easily build the workflows needed to use blockchain productively without needing to launch a software development project.&
Their idea is to allow anyone to legally incorporate businesses, register assets and validate certificates on their testnet blockchain. Itso far been used by the University of BaselCenter for Innovative Finance course certificates or WWF Switzerlandtax donation verification system. Test XES tokens will be provided to show how they function within the Proxeus ecosystem and are used to pay for Proxeus& services.
Shortly after raising $25 million as a part of their ICO, Proxeus now plans to complete the functions described in its whitepaper and release a fully developed solution for enterprise.
Meantime, I&m going to make a, perhaps obvious, observation: The tokenization craze is clearly not going to end here.
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Read more: What next Oh yes, turning a luxury car into a non-fungible token
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