The sand-drawing robot and other tech newsThe sand-drawing robot and other tech news
The sand-drawing robot and other tech news - TheIndianSubcontinent News

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Is 3D printing the future of social housingIs 3D printing the future of social housing
Image caption The house took 54 hours to print

A family in France has become the first in the world to move into a 3D-printed house. The four-bedroom property is a prototype for bigger projects aiming to make housebuilding quicker and cheaper. Could it cause a shift in the building industry

With curved walls

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Kids baffled by YouTube and Instagram termsKids baffled by YouTube and Instagram terms
Kids baffled by YouTube and Instagram terms - TheIndianSubcontinent News

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What tech giants really do with your dataWhat tech giants really do with your data

Media captionChildren baffled by Instagram and YouTube terms

Tracking your phone's gyroscope, scanning your messages and giving your data to third-party companies.

These are just three of the things you agree to when signing up to some tech companies' apps and sites.

TheIndianSubcontinent research has

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Photographer is 'outraged' after her photo of two men kissing is REMOVED from Instagram
Stella Asia Consonni took the photo of Jordan Bowen and Luca Lucifer as part of a project titled ‘Love Me&, exploring modern couples

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Hackers can steal your computer password by analysing the HEAT left by your fingers on the keyboard
The researchers named this type of attack ‘Thermanator&, and say that it can be used to gain access to text, codes and even banking pins

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