
Cloudflare has launched a new DNS service,, which it claims is the internet’s fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service. This couldn’t have come any sooner – with news of Facebook misusing user data and the repeal of net neutrality, Cloudflare argues that provides a faster and safer connection to the internet.

But how good is it

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Jurassic World Revealed is an audio game you can play with Amazon AlexaJurassic World Revealed is an audio game you can play with Amazon Alexa

Universal has just unveiled a new audio adventure game set in Jurassic World that’s playable using only your voice. It’s called Jurassic World Revealed, and it’s available now for the Amazon Echo family of devices, as well as any other smart speaker with Amazon Alexa built-in like the Sonos One. 

The story of the game was written by video game

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Codebreaking Bombe moves to computer museumCodebreaking Bombe moves to computer museum
Image copyrightScience Photo LibraryImage caption The Bombe was used to work out Enigma machine settings to help read German communications

The UK's National Museum of Computing has expanded its exhibits celebrating the UK's wartime code-breakers and the machines used to crack German ciphers.

On Saturday it will

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