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In a (perhaps not so shocking) turn of events, the Walt Disney Company has reentered its tug-of-war with Comcast over the acquisition of Foxfilm and TV divisions with a new $71.3 billion bid today. This bid is not only $18.9 billion higher than itsoriginal bid in Decemberbut it has also changed its terms, which had originally offered only stock, to offer a 50/50 split between a cash and stock payout. Importantly, this also is $6.3 billion more than Comcastall-cash offer earlier this month.
This new bid puts Disney back on firm footing in its battle to acquire Foxfilm and television assets, including Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight Pictures, FX Productions, National Geographic Partners and a majority stake in Hulu. But, if we&ve learned anything from these updates, itthat nothing should be set in stone just yet.
In case you&re not caught up on the twists and turns of this acquisition, herewhat you missed:
In December, Disney bid to buy Foxfilm and television assets — excludingFox News Channel, Fox Business Network and a few others that will branch off to form the &New Fox& channel — for an all-stock offer of $52.4 billion. According to Disneyrelease in December this was a &definitive agreement& between the companies, but that was shaken up this summer by an offer from Comcast.
In May, Comcast announced that it was considering a &superior& all-cash bid on the Fox assets and made good on that statement last weekwith a $65 billion offer.
Today, that scale tips once more in Disneyfavor. In response to the news, Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of 21st Century Fox, told Variety &We remain convinced that the combination of 21CFiconic assets, brands and franchises with Disneywill create one of the greatest, most innovative companies in the world.&
However, despite this praise, Foxboard has stated that it retains the rights to weigh competing bids. So buckle-up, it looks like this ride isn&t over yet.
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Read more: New $71.3 billion Disney bid for Fox tops Comcast’s
Write comment (91 Comments)The race to develop autonomous and electric vehicles could be a race to the bottom for the automotive industry — at least in the near-term.
A new global study by consulting firm AlixPartners paints an ominous forecast for automakers in the next few years, a toxic cocktail of big spending and lots of competition mixed with softening sales in some markets and an unwillingness of consumers to fork over money for the tech. AlixPartners& Global Automotive Outlook is based onan analysis of data from public and proprietary sources and two online consumer surveys of Americans age 18 and older possessing driverlicenses.
Last year, automakers spent $226 million — a 47 percent increase from 2012 — on electrification and autonomous vehicle technology. And AlixPartners predicts companies will spend $255 billion in R-D and capital expenditures globally by 2023 on electric vehicles. Some 207 electric models are set to hit the market by 2022.
Thatgood news for prospective EV consumers. But AlixPartners predictsmany of those impending EVs will be unprofitable due to currently high systems costs, low volumes and intense competition. For instance, automakers will likely offer high incentives to buy EVs, which would depress used-vehicle residual values and allow the spiral of lower new-vehicle sales to continue.
The situation is just as tenuous on the AV front. Some 55 percent of the 175 mergers and acquisition deals in the past two years have been related to electric and autonomous vehicles, with another pileup in AVs coming.
&A pile-up of epic proportions awaits this industry as hundreds of players are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on electric and autonomous technologies as they rush to stake a claim on the biggest change to hit this industry in a hundred years,& saidJohn Hoffecker, global vice chairman at AlixPartners, adding that &billions will be lost by many.&
An additional $61 billion has been earmarked for autonomous-vehicle technologies, according to the study. However, a separate survey conducted by AlixPartners found consumers are only willing to pay $2,300 for autonomy, compared with the industry costs of around $22,900 to provide that technology in a vehicle. Thata 10-fold misalignment on cost.
Of course, there is evidence that consumers, such as Tesla fans, are willing to pay more than $2,300 for a system far short of fully autonomous. An enhanced version of TeslaAutopilot feature, which promises to match traffic speeds, keep within a lane, change lanes and exit the freeway, costs $5,000. For another $3,000, Tesla sells &full self-driving& packages for even more automation sometime in the future. This feature doesn&t yet exist for public use, although customers can — and have — purchased it in advance.
Meanwhile, theAlixPartners study predicts weakening vehicles sales. The studyforecasts that the global auto market will grow at an annual rate of 2.4 percent through 2025, lagging expected worldwide GDP growth of 3.3 percent. The U.S. market will continue its cyclical downturn this year, absorbing 16.8 million units, down from 17.2 million in 2017, the study predicts. U.S. sales will hit a trough of around 15.1 million in 2020. Autonomous ride-hailing fleets will start cutting into sales by 2030, the study forecasts.
Amid the chaos and lost billions, there are some rosier outlooks in theAlixPartners study. Full battery-electric vehicles will reach about 20 percent of the U.S. market, about 30 percent of the European market and about 35 percent of the Chinese market by 2030, the study predicts. A separate AlixPartners& consumer survey found 22.5 percent of Americans are &likely& to purchase a plug-in electric vehicle as their next car.And autonomous vehicles will account for 3 million in sales in the U.S. by 2030.
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Read more: Automakers are burning through billions in EV, AV race
Write comment (100 Comments)President Trump has signed an executive order to reverse a practice recently enacted by his own administration that resulted in the separation of children from their families at the border.
The language of the executive order, titled &Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation,& points blame at Congress, echoing Trumpprevious statements demanding that this issue be resolved through legislation, although it was not implemented through legislation.
The meat of the order:
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of this Administration to rigorously enforce our immigration laws. Under our laws, the only legal way for an alien to enter this country is at a designated port of entry at an appropriate time. When an alien enters or attempts to enter the country anywhere else, that alien has committed at least the crime of improper entry and is subject to a fine or imprisonment under section 1325(a) of title 8, United States Code. This Administration will initiate proceedings to enforce this and other criminal provisions of the INA until and unless Congress directs otherwise. It is also the policy of this Administration to maintain family unity, including by detaining alien families together where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources. It is unfortunate that Congressfailure to act and court orders have put the Administration in the position of separating alien families to effectively enforce the law.
The executive order proposes a &temporary detention policy& that would allow the Department of Homeland Security to detain families attempting to enter the United States at the southern border &during the pendency of any criminal improper entry or immigration proceedings involving their members.&
That portion of the order suggests that DHS would indefinitely detain a family together while any of its members await prosecution and potential deportation, a policy that looks likely to violate an existing court decision,Flores v. Reno. Because that legal precedent forbids the indefinite detainment of children at the border, the administration is likely gearing up for a clash in the courts.
Through the executive order, the president makes plain his plan to challenge the decision, known as the Flores agreement:
The Attorney General shall promptly file a request with the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California to modify the Settlement Agreement in Flores v. Sessions, CV 85-4544 (&Flores settlement&), in a manner that would permit the Secretary, under present resource constraints, to detain alien families together throughout the pendency of criminal proceedings for improper entry or any removal or other immigration proceedings.
As controversy around the southern border erupted in recent days, many major tech companies weighed in with vocal opposition to the Trump administrationrecent practice of separating adults who enter the U.S. illegally from the children they bring with them. MicrosoftSatya Nadella also denounced the policy, though the company is facing both internal and external criticism over its previously announced intentions to supply deep learning and facial recognition software to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) through a lucrative federal contract.
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Read more: Trump signs an executive order to detain families together at the border indefinitely
Write comment (95 Comments)If all of the big tech coagree on one thing at the moment, itthat artificial intelligence and machine learning point the way forward for their businesses. As a matter of fact, Microsoft is about to acquire Bonsai, a small Berkeley-based startup it hopes to make the centerpiece of its AI efforts.
The company specializes in reinforcement learning, a kind of trial and error approach to teach a system within the confines of a simulation. That learning can be used to train autonomous systems to complete specific tasks.Microsoft says the acquisition will serve to forward the kind of research the company has been pursuing in the field by leveraging its Azure cloud platform.
&To realize this vision of making AI more accessible and valuable for all, we have to remove the barriers to development, empowering every developer, regardless of machine learning expertise, to be an AI developer,& Microsoft Corporate VP Gurdeep Pall said in an announcement.&Bonsai has made tremendous progress here and Microsoft remains committed to furthering this work.&
Microsoft is among a number of high-profile companies that have supported the four-year-old startup. Last year, it joined ABB, Samsung and Siemens in helping the company raise a $7.6 million round, bringing the companytotal raise up to $13.6 million, per Crunchbase.The pending move follows the recent high-profile acquisition of code hosting tool, GitHub.
&Going forward, we see a massive opportunity to empower enterprises - developers globally with the tools and technology needed to build and operate the BRAINs that power these intelligent autonomous systems,& Bonsai co-founder/CEO Mark Hammond said in a blog post. &We are not the only ones that feel this way. Today we are excited to announce that Microsoft will be acquiring Bonsai to help accelerate the realization of this common vision.&
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Read more: Microsoft is buying AI startup, Bonsai
Write comment (91 Comments)Oracle is learning that ithard for enterprise companies born in the data center to make the transition to the cloud, an entirely new way of doing business. Yesterday it reported its earnings and it was a mixed bag, made harder by changing the way the company counts cloud revenue.
In its earnings press release from yesterday, it put it this way: &Q4 Cloud Services and License Support revenues were up 8% to $6.8 billion. Q4 Cloud License and On-Premise License revenues were down 5% to $2.5 billion.&
Letcompare that with the language from their Q3 revenue in March: &Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) revenues were up 33% to $1.2 billion. Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) plus Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) revenues were up 28% to $415 million. Total Cloud Revenues were up 32% to $1.6 billion.&
See how they broke out the cloud revenue loudly and proudly in March, yet chose to combine their cloud revenue with license revenue in June.
In the post-reporting earnings call, Safra Catz, Oracle Co-CEO, responding to a question from analystJohn DiFucci, took exception to the idea that the company was somehow obfuscating cloud revenue by reporting it in this way. &So first of all, there is no hiding. I told you the Cloud number, $1.7 billion. You can do the math. You see we are right where we said we&d be.&
She says the new reporting method is due to the new combined licensing products that lets customer use their license on-premise or in the cloud. Fair enough, but if your business is booming you probably want to let investors know about that. They seem to be uneasy about this approach with the stock down over 7 percent today as of publishing this article.
Oracle Stock Chart: Google
Oracle could of course settle all of this by spelling out their cloud revenue, but instead chose a different path. John Dinsdale, an analyst with Synergy Research, a firm that watches the cloud market was dubious about Oraclereasoning.
&Generally speaking, when a company chooses to reduce the amount of financial detail it shares on its key strategic initiatives, that is not a good sign. I think one of the justifications put forward is that is becoming difficult to differentiate between cloud and non-cloud revenues. If that is indeed what Oracle is claiming, I have a hard time buying into that argument. Its competitors are all moving in the opposite direction,& he said.
Indeed most are. While itoften hard to tell exactly the nature of cloud revenue, the bigger players have been more open about this. For instance in its most recent earnings report, Microsoft reported its Azure cloud revenue grew 93 percent. Amazon reported its cloud revenue from AWS was up 49 percent to $5.4 billion in revenue, getting very specific about the revenue number.
Further you can see from Synergymost recent market share cloud growth numbersfrom the 4th quarter last year, Oracle was lumped in with &the Next 10,& not large enough to register on its own.
That Oracle chose not to break out cloud revenue this quarter can&t be seen as a good sign. To be fair, we haven&t really seen Google break out their cloud revenue either with one exception in February. But when the guys at the top of the market shout about their growth, and the guys further down don&t, you can draw your own conclusions.
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Read more: Oracle could be feeling cloud transition growing pains
Write comment (90 Comments)French startup Tiller has raised a $13.9 million Series B round (€12 million) from Ring Capital. Omnes Capital and existing investors 360 Capital Partners also participated in todayfunding round. The company has been working on a cash register that works better than your clunky touchscreen from ten years ago.
Tiller is working on a software solution for restaurants. It works with a good old iPad and connects with multiple payment solutions.
You can customize the menu and restaurant layout in the app to make it as easy as possible to enter an order. And at the end of the meal, you can make your customers pay using multiple payment methods and keep track of whatleft to pay.
This sounds like basic features, but Tillersecret sauce is that you can configure your app and integrate with many third-party services. For instance, you can manage your inventory and your staff directly from Tiller with third-party services.
You can receive orders from UberEats or Lunchr on your Tiller tablet. You can manage bookings from TheFork and other services.
When it comes to payment, you can pair Tiller with a Sumup or Ingenico card reader and accept all sorts of cards and contactless payments. You can also add Lydia, Lyf Pay and other mobile payment apps. Finally, Tiller tries to automate your accounting reports as much as possible.
If you want to use Tiller even more than that, you can give an iPhone to your waiters so that they can use the Tiller mobile app to write down orders. You can also get reports and track your revenue depending on the time of the day or the product category.
Most of Tillerclients are based in France and Spain, and the startup has attracted 5,000 clients so far. With todayfunding round, the company plans to attract more customers in other European countries.
Italso worth noting that Tiller has the option to raise an additional $9.3 million (€8 million) to finance acquisitions. It could be a good way to get started in new markets.
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Read more: Tiller raises $13.9 million for its modern cash register
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