Wileyfox Swift 2 range now has Android 8.1 OreoWileyfox Swift 2 range now has Android 8.1 Oreo

If you’re an owner of the Wileyfox Swift 2, Wileyfox Swift 2 Plus or Wileyfox Swift 2 X then your handset should have just got a bit better, as Android 8.1 Oreo is now rolling out to the range.

This is the second major Android update that the Swift 2 range has had, and it brings new features such as picture-in-picture mode, notification dots and

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Live stream Poland vs Senegal - when and where

Poland will take on Senegal at Spartak Stadium on Tuesday, June 19. The stadium’s facade is designed to look like chain mail made up of hundreds of little diamonds and it has a capacity of 45,360 people.

The match will kick-off at 6pm local time, so that's 4pm BST, 11am ET, 8am PT, 1am AEST Wednesday

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It's pretty clear that people and businesses will continue the trend of reducing their need to rely on costly hardware and infrastructure by placing files and applications in the cloud.

Given the multitude of cloud storage providers out there, you must take care in choosing a provider who will offer the maximum amount of low-cost storage and

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5 items that probably won't get an Amazon Prime Day discount & but fingers crossed5 items that probably won't get an Amazon Prime Day discount & but fingers crossed

While big summer sale events like Amazon Prime Day can provide some excellent deals on some of the best tech and gadgets out there, there's always the slight pang of disappointment at the inevitable no-show. We're talking about those items that stubbornly stick to the RRP, or don't drop below a certain price.

Ready for Prime Day

There will of

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HTC Vive Pro

VR, or virtual reality, has all but become a buzzword in the homes of millions since the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive PC headsets landed in 2016. If these headsets haven’t sold but a fraction of, say, the PS4 or even Xbox One consoles in the same time frame, how did this happen

For one, it’s the novelty of a term that’s been in the public con

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Facebook ordered to explain deleted profileFacebook ordered to explain deleted profile
Image copyrightAzra Sabados

Facebook has been ordered by a UK high court judge to reveal who told it to delete the profile of a jazz musician and his band, six months after he died.

The Times reports that the firm said it had acted on a request but had declined to reveal to the family who had instructed it.

Mirza Krupalija's partner Azra Sabados says

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