Ditch the Botox! Wrinkles around your eyes help to convey more intense and sincere emotions
While many people get Botox in the hopes of getting rid of wrinkles, a new study suggests that losing your lines could actually be a bad idea

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OK Google, find me a date! Match.com launches its AI 'dating coach' on Google Assistant
While Lara was previously only available to chat to through Facebook Messenger, Match has expanded the chatbot to Google Assistant

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The way blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are governed could soon change

Blockchain distributed ledgers work by linking together a chain of electronic records, each inextricably tied to the one before it; each new set of entries or "blocks" is completed and time-stamped with a hashtag only after passing through a consensus process.

The two most popular mechanisms or protocols for authenticating new entries on a blockchain and governing changes to the networks are Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS).

[ Further reading: Bitcoin mining leads to an unexpected GPU gold rush ]

As the name suggests, PoS consensus models enable those with the most digital coins (the greatest stake) to govern a cryptocurrency or business blockchain ledger. To date, however, the most popular blockchain-based cryptocurrencies & Bitcoin, Ethereum (Ether) and Litecoin & have used PoW as their consensus mechanism.

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WWDC: Accessibility has become a requirement

Apple made a range of announcements at WWDC 2018 that put accessibility at the core of the company's mission. So, developers no longer have any excuse to avoid using the accessibility tools the company provides.

Empowerment matters

The focus is highly visible in the latest Mac and iOS releases (available this fall), which bring a range of smaller accessibility improvements.

Whatimportant about that is that in doing so, Apple is solving problems other platforms have not yet begun to address at a core platform level.

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RIP Macintosh: 1984&2018

Did you notice what was missing at Apple2018 WWDC There wasn&t a single new Mac model to be seen. Not a one.

True, Craig Federighi, Applesenior vice president of software engineering,tried to lay to rest rumors that Apple would merge the iOS and macOS operating systems, saying, &We love the Mac and macOS because itexplicitly created for Mac hardware like the trackpad.&

But the Mac lineup hasn&t been associated with true innovation for years, even before Tim Cook took over as CEO. Not having a new Mac model to show off to its assembled developers doesn&t seem like a fluke.

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Microsoft walks away from Windows 7, Office 2013 support forums

Microsoft has quietly told customers that it will stop participating in the online support forums devoted to consumer questions about Windows 7 and a host of other products.

The announcement, which Microsoft posted over the weekend to several of the affected support forums, said the change would take place next month.

[ Related: Windows 7 to Windows 10 migration guide ]

"Effective July 2018, the Microsoft Community forums listed below will shift support scope and Microsoft staff will no longer provide technical support there," the identical messages stated. "There will be no proactive reviews, monitoring, answering or answer marking of questions."

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