Media Molecules ambitious sandbox game Dreams may be a PlayStation 4 exclusive at the moment but if the studio has its way players could eventually take their creations beyond Sonys platforms.Members of the Early Access Dreams community have already been using the game to make things like album covers and pieces for showreels and portfolios and the hope is to make it possible for players to take their creations to a wider audience on different platforms.In an interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Media Molecules co-founder Kareem Ettouney said that the studio would like people to be able to go to the moon with their projects which would eventually mean everything you make in Dreams is yours to use commercially outside of Dreams.To make any of this possible, the studio is looking into commercial licenses for players, while within the game itself, some enhancements will need to happen before the studio's multi-platform exporting dreams can become a reality.As Ettouney went on to explain, The very limited exporting features the moment are like exporting a video, but we have in the long-term [plans for] exporting a standalone game outside of Dreams entirely exporting to other devices and beyond.Dreams is in PS4 Early Access at the moment (and has been since April) and Ettouney understands that the developer and its game will have to lay some groundwork before any kind of bigger move from PS4 onto PC.When asked if Dreams as a game would ever make its way from PS4 to PC or Mac the response was measured:The answer to every question is yes, but Dreams needs to reach a lot of people first.
Our goal for Dreams is to last for 20 years, and keep expanding it and keep adding to it and keep improving it But its definitely in our dreams to do Pro versions that are expanded.
It just depends on a lot of things working out for us.While Media Molecule has big hopes for Dreams, much depends on how successful it is in its early days but were looking forward to seeing where it goes.