If youre the kind of person who frequently misplaces the remote - and, lets be honest, that really applies to all of us - Google and Dish have some good news: Starting today, all Dish Hoppers will respond to Google Assistant voice commands.Youll need to use a Google Assistant device linked to the Dish Hopper, obviously, as the Hopper doesnt have Assistant built-in, but the long list of cross-compatible devices includes everything from the Google Home Mini and Google Home to any of the Google Pixel phones.Once youve connected the Google Assistant to your Hopper youll be able to use commands to change the channel, rewind a show or movie or set the DVR for an upcoming event.
Youll also be able to use Google Assistant to launch apps on your Hopper and search for content based on channel, title, actor or genre.The announcement of the partnership was made back in January of this year and was detailed originally on Dish's press blog.
The functionality is live starting today, however, and will be available to anyone with a Hopper, Joey or Wally using both English and Spanish.