
&If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot clapping over a human face, forever,& wrote George Orwell, and his dire prediction has finally come to pass.
This product & a year old device that I have never seen before but now love & is called BigClapper and it is basically an orb with a funny face and big white hands.
When you set it up in a location it will yell and clap endlessly, a sort of robotic tummler that can pick up your spirits while it drains your will to live.The product, found by RobotStart, is wildly manic.
BigClapper can be used at offices! In front of stores! At parties! It can clap as people walk by, encouraging them to come into your shop! It is red! It has hands!While it not yet Alexa compatible, the BigClapper looks to be a model of future human-computer interaction.
After all what is more pure than a big red face howling at you on the street while it claps maniacally in an effort to sell you more products.
It a literal symbol of true capitalism in this modern era.I, for one, welcome our clapping robot overlords.

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