Gather 'round, kiddos: Granpappy Writerman has a story to share.
And stick with me through this, 'cause I swear it's building up to something important — something that may just shift how you think about one of tech's most titillating topics.Way back in 2009, you see, an upstart little company known as Google came out with a strange-seeming operating system called Chrome OS.
In the beginning, it was a humble effort — with nary more to its name than a maximized browser window locked down onto unremarkable hardware.But Google saw promise in this fledgling project — and despite the broad dismissals and echoes of laughter surrounding it, the company stayed focused and worked tirelessly to refine the formula.
There had to be a balance of simplicity and function that'd make a cloud-centric computing platform compelling, Google thought, and now was the time to find it.
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