You probably don&t want to make grammar errors in your emails (or blog posts), but every now and then, they do slip in. Your standard spell-checking tool won&t catch them unless you use an extension like Grammarly. Well, Grammarly is getting some competition today in the form of a new machine learning-based grammar checker from Google thatsoon going live in Google Docs.

These new grammar suggestions in Docs, which are now available through GoogleEarly Adopter Program, are powered by what is essentially a machine translation algorithm that can recognize errors and suggest corrections as you type. Google says it can catch anything from wrongly used articles (&an& instead of &a&) to more complicated issues like incorrectly used subordinate clauses.

Google Docs gets an AI grammar checker

&We&ve adopted a highly effective approach to grammar correction that is machine translation-based,& GoogleVP for G Suite product management David Thacker said in a press briefing ahead of the announcement. &For example, in language translation, you take a language like French and translate it into English. Our approach to grammar is similar. We take improper English and use our technology to correct or translated it into proper English. Whatnice about this is that the language translations is a technology that we have a long history of doing well.&

Because we haven&t seen this new tool in person, itimpossible to know how well it will do in the real world, of course. Itnot clear to me whether Googleservice will find issues with punctuation or odd word choices, something that tools like Grammarly can check for.

Itinteresting that Google is opting for this translation-based approach, though, which once again shows the companybets on artificial intelligence and how it plans to bring these techniques to virtually all of its products over time.

It&d be nice if Google also made this new grammar checker available as an API for other developers, too, though it doesn&t seem to have any plans to do so for the time being.

Google Docs gets an AI grammar checker

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Uber is putting its autonomous vehicles back on Pittsburghcity streets, four months after a fatal accident involving one of its self-driving cars prompted the ride-hailing company to halt testing on public roads. But for now, Ubermodified self-driving Volvo XC90 vehicleswill only be driven manually by humans and under a new set of safety standards that includes real-time monitoring of its test drivers and efforts to beef up simulation.

The sensors, including light detection and ranging radar known as LiDAR, will be operational on these self-driving vehicles. They won&t be operated in autonomous mode, however. Uber will use these manually operated self-driving vehicles to update its HD maps of Pittsburgh.

This manual-first rollout is a step toward Uberultimate goal to relaunch itsautonomousvehicle testing program in Pittsburgh, according to Eric Meyhofer, head of Uber Advanced Technologies Group, who published a post Tuesday on Medium.

Uber halted all of its autonomous vehicle operations March 19, the day after one of its vehicles struck and killed pedestrian Elaine Herzberg in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe. Uber was testing its self-driving vehicles on public roads in Tempe, Ariz., where the accident occurred, as well as in Pittsburgh, San Francisco and Toronto.

In the days and weeks following the fatal accident, it appeared the companyself-driving vehicle program might end for good.Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, a proponent of autonomous-vehicle technology who invited Uber to the state, suspended the company from testing its self-driving cars following the accident. Last month, Uberlet go all 100 of its self-driving car operators in Pittsburgh and San Francisco.

Those drivers affected by the layoffs, most of whom were in Pittsburgh, are being encouraged to apply for Ubernew mission specialist positions. Uber is holding off on making these positions public until the laid-off drivers have a chance to apply and go through the interview process.

Even now, with the company beefing up its safety protocols and taking a slower approach to autonomous vehicle testing, the programfuture is still uncertain. Another accident would likely derail it for good.

These new safeguards aim to avoid such a scenario. Uber said Tuesday that all its self-driving vehicles, whether they&re driven manually or eventually in autonomous mode, will have two Uber employees inside. These &mission specialists& — a new name Uber has given to its test drivers — will have specific jobs. The person behind the wheel will be responsible for maintaining the vehicle safely, while the second &mission specialist& will ride shotgun and document events.

Uber is also equipping every self-driving vehicle with a driver monitoring system that will remain active whenever the vehicle is in use. The system will track driver behavior in real time. If itdetects inattentiveness an audio alert will cue the driver. An alert is also sent to a remote monitor who will take appropriate action once they&ve assessed the situation, Uber said.

The driver monitoring system, which an Uber spokesperson declined to share details about, is an off-the-shelf aftermarket product.

Investigators determined that Rafaela Vasquez, who was operating theUberself-driving vehicle involved in the fatal crash, looked down at a phone that was streaming The Voice204 times during a 43-minute test drive that ended when Herzberg was struck and killed, according to a 318-page police report released by the Tempe Police Department.

Based on the data, police reported that Vasquez could have avoided hitting Herzberg if her eyes were on the road. The case has been submitted to the Maricopa County Attorneyoffice for review against Vasquez, who could face charges of vehicular manslaughter.

Uber has always had a policy prohibiting mobile device usage for anyone operating its self-driving vehicles, according to a spokesperson. However, without a proper driver monitoring system or another passenger in the vehicle, it was impossible for Uber to really know if that rule was being followed.

Now, the driver monitoring system can spot the behavior immediately. If the system detects the driver is looking at a phone, the remote monitor will call the team immediately back, a spokesperson said, adding it was grounds for dismissal.

Other safeguards include a defensive and distracted driving course conducted on a test track and fatigue management program that requires the two mission specialists in each vehicle to periodically switch between driver and data logger roles, according to Uber.

The National Transportation Safety Board is also investigating the accident.Apreliminary report by the NTSBfound Ubermodified Volvo XC90LiDAR and radar first spotted an object in its path about six seconds before the crash. The self-driving system firstclassified the pedestrianas an unknown object, then as a vehicle and then as a bicycle.At 1.3 seconds before impact, the self-driving system determined that an emergency braking maneuverwas needed to mitigate a collision, according to the NTSB. But to reduce the potential for &erratic behavior,& Uber had disabled Volvoemergency braking system so it didn&t work when the vehicle was under computer control.

Uber said it will keep Volvoemergency braking and vehicle collision warning systems enabled while the vehicle is in manual mode. Engineers are examining whether the Volvosafety system can work in conjunction with its own self-driving technology while the vehicle is in autonomous mode.

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At its Cloud Next conference, Google today announced that Smart Compose, a new feature in Gmail that essentially autocompletes sentences for you, will become available to all G Suite users in the coming weeks.

Smart Compose is part of the new Gmail, where it has been available for the last few months asan experimental feature for those who opt in to using it. In my experience, it can occasionally save you a few keystrokes, though don&t think that it&ll automatically write your emails for you. Itmostly useful for greetings, addresses and finishing relatively standard phrases for you. To be fair, thatwhat most emails consist of, and when it works, it works really well.

GoogleSmart Compose is now ready to write emails for G Suite users

Over time, the system trains itself to learn more about how you write and what you write about. &It gets smarter over time by learning your colleagues& names, your favorite phrases and specific jargon,& GoogleVP for product management for G Suite David Thacker explained during a press briefing.

To use Smart Compose, you simply type your emails and when it thinks that it can help you complete the sentence, the Smart Compose feature writes the next few words for you and you can hit tab to accept them.

Itworth nothing that the launch of Smart Compose goes against one of Googlemost cherished traditions: announcing features at I/O that won&t launch for another 10 months. Itonly been two months or so since Google first announced this new feature.

GoogleSmart Compose is now ready to write emails for G Suite users

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The cloud isn&t right for every business, be that because of latency constraints at the edge, regulatory requirements or because itsimply cheaper to own and operate their own data centers for their specific workloads. Given this, itmaybe no surprise that the vast majority of enterprises today use both public and private clouds in parallel. Thatsomething Microsoft has long been betting on as part of its strategy for its Azure cloud, and Google, too, is now taking a number of steps in this direction.

With the open-source Kubernetes project, Google launched one of the fundamental building blocks that make running and managing applications in hybrid environmentseasier for large enterprises. What Google hadn&t done until today, though, is launch a comprehensive solution that includes all of the necessary parts for this kind of deployment. With its new Cloud Services Platform, though, the company is now offering businesses an integrated set of cloud services that can be deployed on both the Google Cloud Platform and inon-premise environments.

As Google Cloud engineering directorChen Goldberg noted in a press briefing ahead of todayannouncement, many businesses also simply want to be able to manage their own workloads on-premise but still be able to access new machine learning tools in the cloud, for example. &Today, to achieve this, use cases involve a compromise between cost, consistency, control and flexibility,& she said. &And this all negatively impacts the desired result.&

Google Cloud goes all-in on hybrid with its new Cloud Services Platform

Goldberg stressed that the idea behind the Cloud Services Platform is to meet businesses where they are and then allow them to modernize their stack at their own pace. But she also noted that businesses want more than just the ability to move workloads between environments. &Portability isn&t enough,& she said. &Users want consistent experiences so that they can train their team once and run anywhere — and have a single playbook for all environments.&

The two services at the core of this new offering are the Kubernetes container orchestration tool and Istio, a relatively new but quickly growing tool for connecting, managing and securing microservices. Istio is about to hit its 1.0 release.

We&re not simply talking about a collection of open-source tools here. The core of the Cloud Services Platform, Goldberg noted, is &customconfigured and battle-tested for enterprises by Google.& In addition, it is deeply integrated with other services in the Google Cloud, including the companymachine learning tools.

GKE On-Prem

Among these new custom-configured tools are a number of new offerings, which are all part of the larger platform. Maybe the most interesting of these is GKE On-Prem. GKE, the Google Kubernetes Engine, is the core Google Cloud service for managing containers in the cloud. And now Google is essentially bringing this service to the enterprise data center, too.

The service includes access to all of the usual features of GKE in the cloud, including the ability to register and manage clusters and monitor them with Stackdriver, as well as identity and access management. It also includes a direct line to the GCP Marketplace, which recently launched support for Kubernetes-based applications.

Using the GCP Console, enterprises can manage both their on-premise and GKE clusters without having to switch between different environments. GKE on-prem connects seamlessly to a Google Cloud Platform environment and looks and behaves exactly like the cloud version.

Enterprise users also can get access to professional services and enterprise-grade support for help with managing the service.

&Google Cloud is the first and only major cloud vendor to deliver managed Kubernetes on-prem,& Goldberg argued.

GKE Policy Management

Related to this, Google also today announced GKE Policy Management, which is meant to provide Kubernetes administrators with a single tool for managing all of their security policies across clusters. Itagnostic as to where the Kubernetes cluster is running, but you can use it to port your existing Google Cloud identity-based policies to these clusters. This new feature will soon launch in alpha.

Managed Istio

Google Cloud goes all-in on hybrid with its new Cloud Services Platform The other major new service Google is launching is Managed Istio (together with Apigee API Management for Istio) to help businesses manage and secure their microservices. The open source Istio service mesh gives admins and operators the tools to manage these services and, with this new managed offering, Google is taking the core of Istio and making it available as a managed service for GKE users.

With this, users get access to Istioservice discovery mechanisms and its traffic management tools for load balancing and routing traffic to containers and VMs, as well as its tools for getting telemetry back from the workloads that run on these clusters.

In addition to these three main new services, Google is also launching a couple of auxiliary tools around GKE and the serverless computing paradigm today. The first of these is the GKE serverless add-on, which makes it easy to run serverless workloads on GKE with a single-step deploy process. This, Google says, will allow developers to go from source code to container &instantaneously.& This tool is currently available as a preview and Google is making parts of this technology available under the umbrella of its new native open source components. These are the same components that make the serverless add-on possible.

And to wrap it all up, Google also today mentioned a new fully managed continuous integration and delivery service, Google Cloud Build, though the details around this service remain under wraps.

So there you have it. By themselves, all of those announcements may seem a bit esoteric. As a whole, though, they show how Googlebet on Kubernetes is starting to pay off. As businesses opt for containers to deploy and run their new workloads (and maybe even bring older applications into the cloud), GKE has put Google Cloud on the map to run them in a hosted environment. Now, it makes sense for Google to extend this to its users& data centers, too. With managed Kubernetes from large and small companies like SUSE, Platform 9, containership is starting to become a big business. Itno surprise the company that started it all wants to get a piece of this pie, too.

Google Cloud goes all-in on hybrid with its new Cloud Services Platform

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Google is hosting its big cloud conference, Google Cloud Next, this morning over at the Moscone center in San Francisco. Obviously itnot quite as large as its flagship event I/O earlier this year, but Googlecloud efforts have become one of its brightest points over the past several quarters.

With heavy investments in Google Cloudinfrastructure, its enterprise services, as well as a suite of machine learning tools layered on top of all that, Google is clearly trying to make Google Cloud a core piece of its business going forward. Traditionally an advertising juggernaut, Google is now figuring out what comes next after that, even as that advertising business continues to grow at a very healthy clip.

The keynote starts at 9 a.m. Pacific time, and the TechCrunch team is on the ground here covering all the newsiest and best bits. Be sure to check out our full coverage on TechCrunch as the keynote moves forward.

Watch the Google Cloud Next day one keynote live right here

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To Clark Valberg, the screen is the most important place in the world. And henot the only one who thinks so. It isn&t just tech companies spending their money on design. The biggest brands in the world are pouring money into their digital presence, for many, the first step is InVision.

InVision launched back in 2011 with a simple premise: What if, instead of the back-and-forth between designers and engineers and executives, there was a program that let these interested parties collaborate on a prototype

The first iteration simply let designers build out prototypes, complete with animations and transitions, so that engineers didn&t spend time building things that would only change later.

As that tool grew, InVision realized that it was in conversation with designers across the industry, and that it hadn&t yet fixed one of their biggest pain points. Thatwhy, in 2017, InVision launched Studio, a design platform that was built specifically for designers building products.

Alongside Studio, InVision also launched its own app store for design programs to loop into the larger InVision platform. And the company also launched a fund to invest in early-stage design companies.

The idea here is to become the Salesforce of the design world, with the entire industry centering around this company and its various offerings.

InVision has raised more than $200 million, and serves 4 million users, including 80 percent of the Fortune 500. We&re absolutely thrilled to have Clark Valberg, InVision cofounder and CEO, join us at Disrupt SF in September.

The full agenda is here. Passes for the show are available at the Early-Bird rate until July 25here.

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