Pokémon GO just got a little surprise update, complete with a curious new feature: & Lucky & Pokémon The majority of things in Pokémon GO are adjusted from things that already exist in the Pokémon universe. Products like incense, lucky eggs and so forth all exist in the main Pokémon series (though what these products in fact do tends to be a bit various in GO). Lucky Pokémon, as far as I understand, is a new idea completely. So what are they And how are they various from existing Shiny Pokémon. Shiny Pokémon are unusual variations of existing Pokémon with colors that differ from the standard. You may tap on your 398th Dratini, for example, just to find that itbright pink instead of the basic blue. You may randomly tap a Minun to discover that it has green ears rather of blue, or an Aron with red eyes instead of blue. Ita enjoyable method to keep gamers tapping on Pokémon even after their Pokédex is technically complete. The distinctions are only skin deep, though; beyond the visual shift, Shiny Pokémon are generally functionally the like their non-shiny version. The new & Lucky & Pokémon, meanwhile, put on & t look much various (save for a sparkly background when you look at them in your collection). They do, however, have a little practical advantage: powering them up requires less stardust. To put it simply, you & ll have the ability to make them more powerful faster and with less work. How do you get & em By trading. While folks are still exercising the exact mechanics, it looks like non-Lucky Pokémon have a chance to end up being Lucky Pokémon when traded from one gamer to another. According to Niantic, the chances of a Pokémon becoming & fortunate & after a trade boost based on how long ago it was originally captured. And for the collectors out there: yes, for much better or even worse, & Lucky & Pokémon are now a classification in the Pokédex. Niantic simply added trading to Pokémon GO a month ago, and this is a clever way to get gamers to care about trading even after they & ve already captured whatever there is to capture. This update also brings a few other small modifications, primarily just polishing up the way the friend/trading system works: You can now provide friends nicknames. Thatsuper beneficial for remembering who is who, or for bearing in mind that you included PikaFan87 because they promised to trade you a Kangaskhan You now get a little bit of XP for sending out presents Gifts can now consist of stardust You can now delete presents from your inventory

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San Francisco is one of the most beautiful, diverse cities in the world. If you&re planning a trip to San Francisco this September during Labor Day week, maybe for some sightseeing, maybe for TechCrunch Disrupt SF, then you&ll want to make sure you take advantage of these killer hotel deals TechCrunch has negotiated.

These discounts are not only cheaper than publicly offered rates but you&ll also get some free bells and whistles* at many of the hotels, such as:

  • Complimentary Wi-Fi
  • Complimentary access to the fitness center
  • 20 percent discount on food and beverage outlets inside the hotel
  • Complimentary use of bicycles *Concessions vary from hotel to hotel

All these hotels are within easy walking distance of public transportation and major SF sights. You can check out the complete list of hotels right here. You do not need to be registered for Disrupt SF 2018 to take advantage of these awesome hotel discounts.

Hotel highlights

Grand Hyatt San Francisco Towering 36 stories above newly renovated historic Union Square in the heart of downtown San Francisco, the Grand Hyatt is the perfect place to relax after a busy day around the city. See more.

Hilton San Francisco Union Square The Hilton San Francisco Union Square is located in the heart of San Francisco just off Union Square. The location is very convenient and an ideal spot from which to enjoy the many exciting attractions and neighborhoods that make up the city.See more.

InterContinental San Francisco Towering 32 stories high, the 550-room InterContinental San Francisco Hotel features 43,000 square feet of flexible meeting space, destination restaurant and companion bar, 10-room treatment spa, health club and indoor swimming pool.See more.

About Disrupt SF 2018 Disrupt SF 2018 (September 5-7) is where thousands of startups, investors, founders and entrepreneurs gather to hear from thought leaders and discover the latest tech innovations. With three stages hosting awesome content, a $100,000 pitch competition and a startup-filled expo floor, Disrupt SF 2018 is an event you won&t want to miss. Early-bird ticket sales end July 25. Book your tickets here.

Have more questions about booking your hotel room, or traveling with a big group Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Google was already worth more than $800 billion and, while well short of Apple, is now jumping into that batch of companies that are on their way to being a $1 trillion company.

Alphabet, Googleparent company, substantially outperformed market expectations in its second quarter by bringing in $32.66 billion. Thata 26 percent increase year-over-year, and, perhaps more significantly, ita faster rate of increase than it saw in the same quarter last year. The companysecond-quarter revenue in 2017 was a 21 percent jump from that in 2016. Ita bit of a handful, but either way it shows that Alphabet still continues to — unsurprisingly — print money off its advertising business even as its cost-per-click (one of the metrics that indicates the value of its advertisements) continues to decline.

Following the report, Alphabet shares jumped an additional 5 percent, making its valuation about neck-and-neck with Amazon — though, again, well short of Apple. But it wasn&t that long ago that Apple hit a $900 billion market cap and we started talking about it being a contender to hit $1 trillion. Googleadvertising business continues to be healthy and growing. While itgetting slapped with a massive fine by the EU, this doesn&t seem to bother Wall Street all that much as it sees Alphabet as a company that will continue to grow over time.

Google joins the race to $1 trillion

Google&other revenue,& which includes itsveryincreasingly important cloud efforts, rose substantially to $4.43 billion.But comparing the growth patterns, Googleadvertising revenue grew around 24 percent, while Googleother revenue grew around 37 percent year-over-year. This isn&t so dissimilar from the patterns you&ll see with Amazon, where its core business continues to grow but its AWS growth appears to be increasingly contributing to its growth and performance. Itstill a slice-of-a-slice of its advertising revenue, but it does represent some substantial upside.

Thatgoing to be critical going forward as Google tries to convince investors that itnot just an advertising company, but also a services company, with a set of hardware, and aplatform company beyond even that. As Google continues to capture developers with its deep-learning framework TensorFlow, and lock them into its own ecosystem with hardware like the TPU geared toward deep learning, it&ll continue to see a lot of momentum as deep learning tools proliferate across the entire technology industry. Indeed, TensorFlow is increasingly killing off a lot of the complexity that goes into complicated machine learning problems, and itgoing to be a strong lure to get companies onto its cloud platform.

That EU fine also got its own line item in Googleearnings report, which is kind of interesting in a sort of zeitgeist-y way.

Google joins the race to $1 trillion

Its other bets — not to be confused with other revenue — that include its other ancillary projects that may or may not pan out and be part of Alphabetfuture business continued to see some improvement by hitting $145 million in revenue in the second quarter this year. Its losses there widened from a loss of $633 million to $732 million.

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When Google Cloud brought Diane Greene on board at the end of 2015, one of her objectives was to broaden the divisionpartnership network, a method she discovered worked quite well when she was running VMware in the early 2000s. It appears to be operating at Google too. This week at Google Next, the companyannual cloud conference, they revealed the partner program had grown substantially because the start of last year. & Since the start of 2017, we & ve increased the number of technology partners by 10x and we & ve more than doubled our group supporting these partners, & GoogleNan Boden and Nina Harding composed in a post on partner program development. Google is partnering with a range of large business vendors from Cisco to SAP to NetApp to Diane Greeneold company, VMware. In addition, they are likewise dealing with the conventional systems integrators like Accenture, Deloitte, KPMG and others All of this is enabling Google Cloud clients to resolve familiar channels while helping Google to construct out its cloud service and gain more traction in the enterprise. Partners in basic assistance clients deal with a platform like Google Cloud more easily by offering integrations that may not otherwise exist. Something Google has going all out, especially on the G Suite side of your house, which includes Gmail, Docs, Drive and Calendar, is large numbers with countless users. It benefits the partner to work with a company like Google Cloud to assist all their typical users, and possibly bring in new ones, and it benefits Google since it makes their cloud services even more important to the client. The business sees Software as a Service in specific as a crucial location for development and they revealed out a brand-new partnership program today with access to more Google personnel and marketing financing to help motivate more interaction with SaaS partners on the platform. They already have numerous contracts in location with popular SaaS vendors including Salesforce, Box, MongoDB, Zenoss, Elastic, RedisLabs, JFrog, BetterCloud, DialPad, and lots of others. Cloud computing has constantly been different from conventional enterprise computing due to the fact that cooperation has constantly been the watch word. Even business like Salesforce and DialPad and Cisco and SAP that could be taking on Google on some levels see the benefits of dealing with them (and other cloud service providers). Itwhat their clients desire, and cooperation when it makes good sense, advantages all parties included.

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YouTube CEOSusan Wojcicki on Friday promisedthe company would do a better job with communicating to creators about its experiments and tests. Today, YouTube is making good on that commitment with an update about a new feature ittesting out: an Explore tab, aimed at offering viewers a more diverse set of video recommendations.

The news was announced via the Creator Insider channel & the same channel Wojcicki highlighted in her recent update as the &unofficial& resource operated by YouTube employees. The channel today offers weekly updates, responses to creator feedback, and behind-the-scenes info on product launches.

According to the announcement, the new Explore feature is currently in testing with just 1 percent of iPhone YouTube app viewers, so therea good chance you won&t see the option in your own app.

However, if you do happen to be in the test group, then you&ll notice the bottom navigation bar of the app looks different. Instead of the tabs Home, Trending, Subscriptions, Inbox and Library, you&ll instead see Home, Explore, Subscriptions, Activity and Library.

YouTube is testing its own ‘Explore& tab on iPhone

The idea behind Explore is to offer YouTube viewers a wider variety of what-to-watch suggestions than what they have today. Currently, personalized video recommendations are very much influenced by past viewing activity and other behavior, which can then create a sort of homogenous selection of recommended content.

&Explore is designed to help you be exposed to different kinds of topics, videos or channels that you might not otherwise encounter, but they&re still personalized,& said Tom Leung, Director of Product Management, in a YouTube video.

That is, the videos are still based on viewing activity.

For example, he explains, a viewer who was watching videos about telescopes might be recommended videos about high-end cameras.

&Itjust going to give you a little more variety,& says Leung.

The tab will also feature a &Trending& section at the top of the screen, which directs users to the same sort of content thatfound in the Trending tab in the current version of the YouTube app.

The hope, however, with the new Explore tab is to offer creators the ability to reach more viewers, even if their content doesn&t &trend.&

Whether or not that theory proves true, remains to be seen. YouTube will review the data from the experiment before making a decision to roll out the Explore tab to more users.

Early feedback from YouTube creators in the comments section of the video seems cautiously optimistic, with many expressing hopes that the new tab would provide exposure to smaller creators rather than just the well-known names.

Calling the tab &Explore& makes sense in light of the increased threat from Instagram, whose own Explore section features personalized video suggestions, and has launched a YouTube rival with IGTV. YouTube has responded by offering its stars big, five to six-figure checks to post their best stuff on YouTube, according to Business Insider. (YouTube downplayed the report, saying it has &always invested& in creators& success.)

But an experiment involving YouTubeown Explore section makes it clear that the company is interested taking on Instagram head-on when it comes to offering a home for discovering new video content through algorithmic recommendations.

If successful, YouTubeExplore tab would connect viewers to more creator channels they&ll like and subscribe to, as well as increase their time spent in app. That, in turn, could potentially decrease viewers& time in apps like IGTV, Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere.

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Netgear home security spin-off Arlo just added another key hardware piece to its growing portfolio of connected devices. The Arlo Audio Doorbell is a kind of Ring/Nest (to which it bears a pretty striking resemblance) competitor that sends calls to the homeownersmartphone every time someone buzzes the door. Visitors can either talk to the user or leave a voicemail message.

The product runs on two AA batteries (getting around a year of use, according to the company) or can be wired directly into the houseelectrical system.

Interestingly, unlike much of the competition, Arlo didn&t build camera functionality directly into the doorbell. Thatlikely, in part, a cost-cutting measure. It also gives users some flexibility. If they do want that functionality, they can pair it with one of the companynumerous cameras.

It also can be paired with the new Smart Chime accessory, offering a more traditional doorbell experience. You can install as many of those as you want around your gigantic, cavernous home. Both new products arrive in the fall. No price has been announced, but the product should sell pretty briskly, given how successful the rest of the companyline has proven thus far.

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