More people are using Windows 10 than ever beforeMore people are using Windows 10 than ever before

It appears that Windows 10 is continuing to grow in popularity, with recent figures showing that 34.92% of PC users are running the operating system.

The figures come courtesy of Netmarketshare, a company that tracks what operating systems people use on the internet. While the company can't determine the operating system of every laptop or desktop

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Sony posts whole movie on YouTube in trailer's placeSony posts whole movie on YouTube in trailer's place
Image copyrightSonyImage caption Khali the Killer stars Richard Cabral, who is better known for his role in the Lethal Weapon TV series

Thousands of people watched a film posted in its entirety to YouTube by its US distributor before the apparent mistake was tackled.

Sony Pictures Entertainment had labelled the

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Fourth of July: Aspen, Colorado swaps fireworks for dronesFourth of July: Aspen, Colorado swaps fireworks for drones
Image copyrightPAImage caption Aspen officials say 50 drones will be used during the show

The US town of Aspen is swapping its annual Fourth of July fireworks display for a drone show - because of a wildfire risk in the drought-hit area.

Officials say 50 drones will light up the night sky in patriotic colours to

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Private Gmail messages 'can be read by third-party app developers'
Questions have been raised by reports in the US about the level of data that can be accessed and how aware people are that they are agreeing to share private emails

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Top R language resources to improve your data skills

Do you want to improve your R skills Here are my favorite R language resources for users at any level.

  • Learn R language basics
  • Ask questions
  • Visualize your data
  • Advance your skills
  • Keep up with new developments
  • Package and repo info
  • Shiny Web framework

Learn R language basics

If you're just starting out with R, I (not surprisingly) recommend my Computerworld Beginner's Guide to R. It's also available as a handy Beginner's R Guide PDF download.

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