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- Category: Technology
Database programmer retires at this family-owned company that's on the conservative side, and he goes out with a bang, says a pilot fish on the scene.
"At his retirement party, he told a couple of hilariously bawdy road-trip tales that made the plant manager turn red with rage," fish says.
"They didn't allow future retirees to speak after that.
"But it turns out Mr. Bad Boy had a talent that no other local consultants had. The plant had to bring him back to help transition his automated update routines to a new system.
"But the cheesed-off plant manager had barred him from ever entering the plant again.
"Solution Database expert was given a workstation in the transportation building on the plant grounds.
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- Category: Technology

WWDC 2018 introduced significant enhancementst o AI on Appleplatforms, so herea few ideas of what to expect.
Apple Maps (soon)
We recently learned that Applefleet of Maps cars use LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors when capturing data about the places they visit.
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- Category: Technology
Read more: Thoughts on Apple's quickly developing AI
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It's approaching a year since Apple announced that it would release its first wireless charger to go along with the first iPhones that could be wirelessly charged.
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- Category: Technology
Read more: Here's the most recent on when Apple will deliver its wireless battery charger
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Once past the Big Four browsers — Chrome and Firefox, Edge and Safari — the battles for user share scraps are typically waged by specialties, with each contestant proclaiming why it's best at this or that forte. Vivaldi, for example, boasts that it's a throwback to times when browser austerity had yet to take hold; Brave dares to upend the online advertising ecosystem.
And some, like Epic, an almost-unknown browser that originated in India, have decided that pushing privacy is how they'll stand out, or try to.
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- Category: Technology
Read more: What is the Epic internet browser (and what makes it various)
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Windows 7 customers should be on the lookout for a couple of, uh, challenges this month, as the Win10 1803 trail of tears continues and Win10 1709 finally looks pretty solid.
The Win7/Server 2008R2 network card bugs continue
First, the good news. If you installed last monthWin7/Server 2008R2 patches and your network connections didn&t go kablooey, you&re almost undoubtedly OK to proceed with this monthpatches.
On the other hand, if you&ve been waiting to install patches on your Win7 or Server 2008R2 machine, you need to be aware of a bug that Microsoft has acknowledged. It was introduced by a patch back in March, according to the KB articles, and hasn&t been fixed yet:
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- Category: Technology
Read more: Get the Microsoft June covers applied, but watch out for Win7 NICs and old antivirus
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