Best graphic design software

The problem that designers face every day is that of unending revision. Perhaps something needs adding, removing, recolouring or de-emphasising. The permutations on how a piece of artwork can be subtly different are as infinite as the reasons for altering it.

Recreating physical artwork with minor differences is

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Facebook and Google use 'dark patterns' around privacy settings, report saysFacebook and Google use 'dark patterns' around privacy settings, report says
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption Privacy has become a huge issue in the wake of scandals about how information is shared

Facebook, Google and Microsoft push users away from privacy-friendly options on their services in an "unethical" way, according to a report by the Norwegian Consumer Council.

It studied

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Doki Doki: Warnings over suicide-themed video gameDoki Doki: Warnings over suicide-themed video game
Doki Doki: Warnings over suicide-themed video game - TheIndianSubcontinent News

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'Dancing baby' YouTube copyright case settled after 11 years'Dancing baby' YouTube copyright case settled after 11 years
Image copyrightGetty / Michael Ochs ArchivesImage caption Stephanie Lenz's son was dancing to a Prince song

An 11-year legal action over a YouTube video of a baby dancing to Prince's hit Let's Go Crazy has been settled.

Stephanie Lenz posted the clip of her son Holden, now aged 12, in February 2007. And it has

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Ticketmaster 'warned of hack attack in April by Monzo'Ticketmaster 'warned of hack attack in April by Monzo'
Image copyrightTicketmasterImage caption Ticketmaster sold 292 million tickets in 2017

Ticketmaster was warned in April that it had been the victim of a hack attack, digital bank Monzo has claimed.

Ticketmaster had previously said it did not know about the breach until June and had then acted quickly to inform

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Fortnite Playground mode quickly taken offlineFortnite Playground mode quickly taken offline
Image copyrightEpic Games Image caption Fortnite is hugely popular and has more than 125 million players

A new mode that let novices practise playing the hugely popular video game Fortnite has been taken offline for repairs after fewer than two hours.

Some newcomers are finding it difficult to compete with more

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