More scrutiny than ever is in place on the tech industry, and while high-profile cases like Mark Zuckerbergappearance in front of lawmakers garner headlines, there are subtler forces at work. This study from a Norway watchdog group eloquently and painstakingly describes the ways that companies like Facebook and Google push their users towards making choices that negatively affect their own privacy.

It was spurred, like many other new inquiries, by EuropeGDPR, which has caused no small amount of consternation among companies for whom collecting and leveraging user data is their main source of income.


The report (PDF) goes into detail on exactly how these companies create an illusion of control over your data while simultaneously nudging you towards making choices that limit that control.

Although the companies and their products will be quick to point out that they are in compliance with the requirements of the GDPR, there are still plenty of ways in which they can be consumer-unfriendly.

In going through a set of privacy popups put out in May by Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, the researchers found that the first two especially feature &dark patterns, techniques and features of interface design mean to manipulate users…used to nudge users towards privacy intrusive options.&

Study calls out ‘dark patterns& in Facebook and Google that push users towards less privacy

Flowchart illustrating the Facebook privacy options process & the green boxes are the &easy& route.

Itnot big obvious things — in fact, thatthe point of these &dark patterns&: that they are small and subtle yet effective ways of guiding people towards the outcome preferred by the designers.

For instance, in Facebook and Googleprivacy settings process, the more private options are simply disabled by default, and users not paying close attention will not know that there was a choice to begin with. You&re always opting out of things, not in. To enable these options is also a considerably longer process: 13 clicks or taps versus 4 in Facebookcase.

Thatespecially troubling when the companies are also forcing this action to take place at a time of their choosing, not yours. And Facebook added a cherry on top, almost literally, with the fake red dots that appeared behind the privacy popup, suggesting users had messages and notifications waiting for them even if that wasn&t the case.

When choosing the privacy-enhancing option, such as disabling face recognition, users are presented with a tailored set of consequences: &we won&t be able to use this technology if a stranger uses your photo to impersonate you,& for instance, to scare the user into enabling it. But nothing is said about what you will be opting into, such as how your likeness could be used in ad targeting or automatically matched to photos taken by others.

Disabling ad targeting on Google, meanwhile, warns you that you will not be able to mute some ads going forward. People who don&t understand the mechanism of muting being referred to here will be scared of the possibility — what if an ad pops up at work or during a show and I can&t mute it So they agree to share their data.

Study calls out ‘dark patterns& in Facebook and Google that push users towards less privacy

Before you make a choice, you have to hear Facebookcase.

In this way users are punished for choosing privacy over sharing, and are always presented only with a carefully curated set of pros and cons intended to cue the user to decide in favor of sharing. &You&re in control,& the user is constantly told, though those controls are deliberately designed to undermine what control you do have and exert.

Microsoft, while guilty of the biased phrasing, received much better marks in the report. Its privacy setup process put the less and more private options right next to each other, presenting them as equally valid choices rather than some tedious configuration tool that might break something if you&re not careful. Subtle cues do push users towards sharing more data or enabling voice recognition, but users aren&t punished or deceived the way they are elsewhere.

You may already have been aware of some of these tactics, as I was, but it makes for interesting reading nevertheless. We tend to discount these things when itjust one screen here or there, but seeing them all together along with a calm explanation of why they are the way they are makes it rather obvious that theresomething insidious at play here.

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Ready to scrounge for Likes on your Stories too Facebook Stories can feel like a ghost town even though it has 150 million daily users. So Facebook is trying to getmore people who view your ephemeral content on its Snapchat clone to speak up so you keep posting. Today Facebook is bringing its Like, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry and Love &Reactions& from News Feed to Stories, replacing the generic emoji quick replies it previously offered. Italso adding two &interactive stickers& — a flame and a laughing smile — you can add to your own Stories that when tapped by a friend, shimmer and notify you.

To the same effect, Facebook is letting people start a group reply to your Story with multiple friends that launches a group thread on Messenger. And when you tap to see whoviewed your Facebook Story, the viewer list will highlight people who sent reactions or Messenger replies.

Facebook makes Stories another Like contest with emoji reactions

Combined, these four new ways to give feedback on Stories should make it feel less like you&re posting into a black hole. Facebook has found great success with its Like button and other Reactions for News Feed posts and InstagramHeart button. They both trigger a dopamine hit of self-satisfaction that encourages you to continue sharing thatmore visceral than just knowing someone watched your Story.

I wonder if a Like button will come to Instagram Stories, especially after former Facebook VP of News Feed Adam Mosseri was recently named VP of product for Instagram.

Facebook makes Stories another Like contest with emoji reactions

Oh, and just in case Stories wasn&t turning into a vanity contest already, according to Mari Smith via Matt Navarra,Facebook is now testing a Selfie mode in the Stories camera with a Soft Focus option similar to the recent Instagram Focus launch.

Facebook makes Stories another Like contest with emoji reactions

When Snapchat invented the Stories format, it purposefully left out a Like button because it would make sharing into a competition where users craved the binary feedback and posted whatever was most popular.

In fact, when I interviewed Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom in 2016 around the launch of Instagram Stories he told me, &We definitely asked ourselves what if we removed Likes from Instagram What would happen …If you have Likes … you get certain behaviors, and the behavior we wanted was for you to be able to share as much as you wanted. And the lack of Likes in this space lets you let down your guard.&

Now Facebook is changing that fundamental principle of Stories, which could give us a whole new quantified measure of our worth to turn into an addiction and coerce us to share not whatauthentic but whatLikeable.

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That moment when you drop your phone and everything stops. You can hear your heart beat — the buzz of the world around you is silenced — all cognition stops — you see as if in slow motion the pirouette of your $700 piece of electronics toward the cement. How will it land Will you get lucky this time Or is this it But if you had this case on it, you&d then see it spring horns and land with a jaunty bounce.

This &active damping& case, a bit like an airbag for your phone, is the brainchild of Philip Frenzel, an engineer at Aalen University in Germany. His idea won the top award from the German Society for Mechatronics, which considered projects from students all over the country, and you can see him explain its genesis in a video here.

This clever case pops open to protect your phone when you drop it Frenzel, like me, doesn&t like compromising his phoneaesthetic with some ugly protective shell, but he likes even less the shattered countenance that inevitably results from this aesthetic decision.

Why not something that only deploys when the phone is in danger, then He got to work. The activation mechanism he arrived at early: sensors that detect when the phone is in free fall and activate the next step.

But what was that step In his tinkering, he initially thought of installing an actual airbag mechanism on the phone. But that, and a foam-based alternative, and a few others, simply didn&t prove practical.

Finally inspiration struck. Instead of something soft, why not something springy Perhaps… springs.

This clever case pops open to protect your phone when you drop it As you see above, what he arrived at is a set of eight thin metal curls that normally lie flat inside the case. But when released, they pop out and curl up, protecting the edges of the phone from impact and softening the blow considerably compared with a full stop on the concrete.

When you pick up your (hopefully undamaged) phone, you simply fold the springs back into their holsters, priming them for their next deployment.

Of course, therethe consideration that having these things deploy while the phone is still in your pocket would be at best embarrassing and at worst rather painful. One assumes there are considerations in place for that — tapping into the phoneproximity sensor, for instance, to see if itin a pocket or bag.

Frenzel has already applied for a patent, and even printed T-shirts with a catchy logo. So this thing is practically for sale. Next stop: Kickstarter.

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Hi, I&m Sarah, TechCrunchnew intern

Hi. I&m Sarah Wells, TechCrunchsummer intern.

I&m a Vermont native but have been living in the Boston area for the past five years completing a BA in English (with a sprinkling of minors in Physics and Computer Science) and an MS in Science Journalism.

Ithard to say whether my techie fate was sealed when the computer in my childhood home had Linux installed or when I enthusiastically attended a live-taping of The Screen Savers with my family during our first trip to San Francisco circa 2003.

I&ll be writing this summer remotely out of Boston coffee shops (and occasionally the &T&) and focusing on robotic and machine learning news and features — and any other interesting stories that cross my plate.

If you want to see more of me feel free to check out my website, drop me a line or follow me on Twitter!

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The challenges faced by parents of kids with special needs are always unique, but in one way they are surely much alike: making sure the kids are getting what they need from schools is way harder than it ought to be. ExceptionAlly is a new startup that aims to help parents understand, organize and communicate all the info they need to make sure their child is getting the help they require.

&There are millions of parents out there trying to navigate special education. And parents with special needs should have access to more information than what one school tells them,& said ExceptionAlly co-founder and CEO Rayford Davis. &Those with the means actually hire special education attorneys, but those are few and far between. We thought, how can we democratize this So we&re trying to do what TurboTax did for CPAs: deliver a large percentage of the value for a small percentage of the cost.&

The company just emerged from Y Combinator and is pursuing full deployment ahead of this school year, with a visibility push during the usual back-to-school dates. Itstill early days, but Davis tells me they already have thousands of users who are taking advantage of the free and paid aspects of the service.

Just because a parent has a kid with dyslexia, or a hearing impairment, or a physical disability, doesn&t mean they suddenly become an expert in what resources are out there for those kids — whatrequired by law, what a school offers voluntarily and so on. Achieving fluency in these complex issues is a big ask on top of all the usual parental duties — and on top of that, parents and schools are often put in adversarial positions.

There are resources out there for parents, certainly, but they&re scattered and often require a great deal of effort on the parents& part. So the first goal of the service is to educate and structure the parents& information on the systems they&re dealing with.

ExceptionAlly helps parents navigate the special needs education labyrinth Based on information provided by the parent, such as their kidconditions or needs, and other information like school district, state and so on, the platform assists the parent in understanding both the condition itself, what they can expect from a school and what their rights are. It could be something as simple as moving a kid to the front row of a classroom to knowing how frequently the school is required to share reports on that kidprogress.

Parents rarely know the range of accommodations a school can offer, Davis said, and even the schools themselves might not know or properly explain what they can or must provide if asked.

For instance, an IEP, or individual education plan, and yearly goals are required for every student with special needs, along with meetings and progress reports. These are often skipped or, if not, done in a rote way that isn&t personalized.

Davis said that by helping parents collaborate with the school and teacher on IEPs and other facets of the process, they accomplish several things. First, the parent feels more confident and involved in their kideducation, having brought something to the table. Second, less pressure is put on overworked teachers to produce these things in addition to everything else they have to do. And third, it either allows or compels schools to provide all the resources they have available.

Naturally, this whole process produces reams of documents: evaluations, draft plans, lesson lists, observations, reports and so on. &If you talk to any parent of a child with special needs, they&ll tell you how they have file cabinets full of paperwork,& Davis said.

ExceptionAlly will let you scan or send it all these docs, which it helps you organize into the various categories and find again should you need them. A search feature based on OCR processing of the text is in development and should be in place for the latter half of the coming school year, which Davis pointed out is really when it starts being necessary.

ExceptionAlly helps parents navigate the special needs education labyrinth That, he said, is when parents need to keep schools accountable. Being informed both on the kidprogress and what the school is supposed to be doing lets the resulting process be collaborative rather than combative. But if the latter comes to pass, the platform has resources for parents to deploy to make sure the schools don&t dominate the power equation.

&If things progress that way, therea ‘take action toolkit& to develop communications with the school,& Davis said. Ideally you don&t want to be the parent threatening legal action or calling the principal at home. A timely reminder of what was agreed upon and a nudge to keep things on track keeps it positive. &Itsort of a reminder that we should all be on ‘team kid,& if you will,& he added.

Schools, unfortunately, have not shown themselves to be highly willing to collaborate.

&We spent about six months talking to over a hundred schools and districts. What we found was not a lot of energy to provide parents with any more information than what the school was already providing,& Davis explained.

The sad truth here is that many schools are already neck-deep in administrative woes, the teachers are overworked and have new responsibilities every year and the idea of volunteering for new ones doesn&t strike even the most well-intentioned schools as attractive. So instead, ExceptionAlly has focused on going directly to parents, who, confidently and well-armed, can take their case to the school on their own.

&Listen, we&re not getting ready to solve all of education today with our solution. We&re going to find that one mom who says, ‘I know theremore out there, can someone help me find it& Yes, we&re going to help you do that,& he said. &Could that put pressure on the system As long as it does it legally and lawfully, I am perfectly okay with advocating for a child and parents& legal rights and putting pressure on the system to give them what they by law deserve.&

After the official launch ahead of this school year, the company plans to continue adding features. Rich text search is among them, and deeper understanding of the documents could both help automate storage and retrieval and also lead to new insights. At some point there will also be an optional program to submit a childinformation (anonymously, of course) to help create a database of what accommodations in which places and cases led to what outcomes — essentially aggregating information direct from the source.

ExceptionAlly has some free content to peruse if you&re curious whether it might be helpful for you or someone you know, and there are a variety of paid options should it seem like a good fit.

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Pokémon Quest hits app store with a jolt

Coming just shy of a month after its original release on the Nintendo Switch, Pokémon Quest has hit the the App Store and Google Play Store today with an impressive response. According to analytics by Sensor Tower, the app on iPhone is already at No. 2 in Japan and No. 3 in Korea. While hovering at No. 5 in the U.S., themomentum looks like it could carry it to No. 1 by the end of the day.

The game itself is designed to be an easily accessible, free-to-play RPG that features your favorite pokémon from Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue — with a geometric twist.

Taking a left-turn from their typical animation style, the pokémon in Quest have been transformed into cube versions of themselves and inhabit a brightly colored — also 90-degree angled — terrain called Tumblecube Island. After choosing apokémon companion to begin your quest, trainers are tasked with exploring the island for hidden treasure.

But if Minecraft-ified Pokémon is not exactly your cup of tea, don&t worry, Nintendo has more up its sleeves.

In a joint announcement in Tokyo this May, Nintendo,the Pokémon Company (the group behind Quest) and Niantic (the creators ofPokémon GO) announced a plan to release four newPokémon titles by 2019.

Pokémon Quest jump-starts that plan and two new Switch titles —Pokémon: LetGo, Pikachu! and Pokémon: LetGo, Eevee! — are slated to be released to the Switch in November. A yet untitled &core& game is scheduled to be released by the end of 2019.

The companies plan to begin weaving these platforms, games and fans together, including allowing users to transport their pokémon from GO to the Switch titles and the creation of a &real&Poké Ball for the Switch.

Ittoo early to speculate on the success of these grand plans, but itan exciting prospect forpokémon trainers worldwide.

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