Samsung phones may be sharing your photos with random contactsSamsung phones may be sharing your photos with random contacts

A glitch in Samsung’s mobile Messages app is reportedly transferring photos and pictures at random to users’ contact lists.

Samsung's community forums have been fielding discussions on the bug, though it may only be affecting Galaxy 9 and Galaxy Note 8 devices. 

While the issue doesn’t appear to be widespread, one user on Reddit even reported that

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Best architecture software

Designing buildings is a complex task that’s all about detail as much as the grand vision of the designer. Architectural software enables the original concept to be honed into a practical work or home space.

The first computing tools to aid architects addressed the logistical issues of producing the numerous drawings

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You wouldn't envy England's cricketers competing for the sporting spotlight with the Three Lions on Tuesday evening. But that's the task facing them as India come to Manchester for the first of a three-match T20 clash while the footballers do battle against Colombia at the World Cup, and we can tell you how to live stream the T20 match.


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The best Prime Day deals in the US: how to get the best Amazon deals in July

Finding the best Amazon Prime Day 2018 deals in the US isn't easy simply because America's top online retailer likes to discount a little bit of everything in July.

You have time to prepare this year because Amazon Prime is July 16th midday and lasts until midnight on July 17th, according to our exclusively reporting and now officially confirmed by

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Wearables of the World Cup: what the referees, players and managers are sporting

Video assisted referees (what you'll hear refereed to as VAR) has been the one of the most controversial elements of the World Cup 2018, but it’s not the only tech that’s being used on the football pitches around Russia this month.

Wearable technology has come a long way since the last World Cup. Back in 2014, the Apple Watch was only a teaser

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Stackpath rebrands to help push integration furtherStackpath rebrands to help push integration further

As alluded in a recent interview by its CEO, StackPath has unveiled its next iteration of its platform and services which brings together the multitude of brands that it has acquired over the past two years under one label.

The company, which merged with Server Density only a few months ago, has fingers in many pies (including virtual private

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