Gmail messages 'read by human third parties'Gmail messages 'read by human third parties'
Image copyrightGoogle

Google has confirmed that private emails sent and received by Gmail users can sometimes be read by third-party app developers.

People who have connected third-party apps to their accounts may have unwittingly given external developers permission to read their messages.

One company told the Wall Street Journal that the practice

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Facebook shuts down Hello, Moves and tbh appsFacebook shuts down Hello, Moves and tbh apps
Image copyrightGetty Images

Facebook is retiring three apps, blaming low user numbers.

One, an anonymous social media app aimed at teenagers called tbh, is less than one year old.

It was bought by the tech giant eight months ago after attracting millions of downloads at launch.

All user data for tbh, along with fitness tracker Moves and Hello, an app

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Italy Wikipedia shuts down in protest at EU copyright lawItaly Wikipedia shuts down in protest at EU copyright law
Image copyrightEPAImage caption Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales said the site was blacked out over "the disastrous EU copyright directive"

Italian Wikipedia blocked readers from its own pages on Monday in protest over the future of EU online copyright law.

Critics say the rules, due to be voted on this week,

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Haptic gloves help blind people to 'see' artHaptic gloves help blind people to 'see' art
Haptic gloves help blind people to 'see' art - TheIndianSubcontinent News

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Spotify users demand refunds over Drake promotionSpotify users demand refunds over Drake promotion
Image copyrightAFP / SpotifyImage caption Drake became the face of Spotify's playlists - even when his music didn't feature on them

Drake's new album Scorpion has only been out since Friday, but it's already made history.

The album broke streaming records on both Apple Music and Spotify, with more than 302m

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Jawbone fitness trackers removed from online shopsJawbone fitness trackers removed from online shops
Image copyrightJawboneImage caption Jawbone products were on sale on three widely used websites

Jawbone fitness trackers are no longer for sale at Amazon, Selfridges and GroupOn after a Which investigation.

The consumer group found that the trackers were no longer supported, so anyone buying the gadget would be

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